Ulrich Wallrodt schrieb:

> Config file: freshclam.conf
> ---------------------------
> "pdateLogFile = "/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log
> "atabaseMirror = "database.clamav.net

That looks like some automated changing of freshclam.conf went wrong.
Possibly a broken script?

> r...@cpanel [~]# freshclam -v Current working dir is /usr/local/share/ 
> clamav Max retries == 3 ClamAV update process started at Tue Apr 21  
> 08:50:33 2009 Using IPv6 aware code Querying current.cvd.clamav.net  
> TTL: 558 Software version from DNS: 0.95.1 main.cvd version from DNS:  
> 50 main.cld is up to date (version: 50, sigs: 500667, f-level: 38,  
> builder: sven) daily.cvd version from DNS: 9261 /daily-9214.cdiff/ 
> database.clamav.net : Name or service not knownion about  
> database.clamav.net WARNING: getpatch: Can't download daily-9214.cdiff  

That doesn't look like normal shell output. Not only are the linebreaks
gone, AFAICS there are also spurious characters in there. How do you
access that machine?

> I did re-install 0.95.1 from source to no avail.

Did you make surer that the config files were re-installed too?
Normally the ClamAV installation will leave existing config
files alone.


Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH
Bonn, Germany

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