Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

Oh come on. If I tell you you'll get wet when if you go out in the rain
without an umbrella, is that blackmail ?

OK, so if I tell you that if you keep on going out without an umbrella, then I'll throw a bucket of acid over you ... then by your argument that's not blackmail, and by other arguments, it's perfectly OK because I warned you in advance. That wouldn't be assault, it wouldn't be a criminal act - it would be all your fault for ignoring the warning I gave.

And by the way, I won't tell you directly, I'll put a notice up in my front window that you may or may not walk past and may or may not see.

Old versions of Clam crashed on certain input. You were told when that input
was comming.

It's sounding like the Clam team would have been better off releaseing a
too-large signature and going "Whoops, I guess old versions can't handle
this. You better upgrade, sorry !" By warning people and releaseing a
known-bad signature with a message, somehow it's their fault now.

No, it's not all their fault. But they sure did handle it badly.

Simon Hobson

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