Quoting Simon Hobson <li...@thehobsons.co.uk>:

I'm confused - are you saying they did, or didn't shut down software that people were running on their servers ?

I've always supported the claim that they did this.  And I've always
countered the claims of the like of "shutdown my server" or "shutdown
my email" or such.

I think you are admitting (thank you) that the update did what it was supposed to do and remotely stopped some versions of ClamAV from running.

No, I'm saying the update did shutdown clamav installs older than 0.95.
I'm not saying that was what it was supposed to do, that is a matter
of intent of the people at sourcefire, and I have no access to their
intent.  As such, I could only offer my opinion, and not admit to their

They didn't HAVE to push either to the older software - I'm not the

They didn't PUSH anything to the older software.  The users PULLED the
signatures with their older version of the software.

first to point out that there was a completely viable alternative that would just stop supplying updates to the older software.

And this is not the first time I'll point out that your suggestions came
after the fact.  And this is not the first time I'll point out they asked
for feedback and ideas for 6 months and AFAIK didn't get any such suggestions
(maybe they did, and maybe they ignored them, I don't know... But they sure
were not discussed on the mailing list or elsewhere in an effort to gain
support and change the minds of clamav/sourcefire).

So my preference would be simply that they "did nothing" to my software.

Mine too.  But what does my preference matter to them?  That is up
to them to decide, not me.

If they want to stop supporting it with updates, that's fine and it still leaves me in control of what I run and when I update it.

True.  And a perfectly legitimate stance to hold.  But that doesn't mean
sourcefire/clamav has to respect that stance...

Simon Hobson

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Go Longhorns!
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