On 10/1/10 12:07 AM, "Dennis Peterson" <denni...@inetnw.com> wrote:

> A short term solution until Apple updates bzip2 is to install MacPorts if not
> already installed, and use it to install bzip2. It will install it in
> /opt/local 
> so you need to add an option to your clamav configure statement:
> configure --with-libbz2-prefix=/opt/local ...
> It should build and run fine.
What you said is correct, as far as it goes, but realize that bzip2 1.0.6 is
not necessary to compile clamav correctly since clamav provides it's own
bzip library.  What it will do is lose the warning which is only there to
let the user know that he has a bugged version of bzip on his computer.
Using a port to correct the bug is fine as long as the directory is included
in the users path.  If it isn't then you've defeated the purpose of the
compilers check.

Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA

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