On 9/8/11 11:54 AM, "Jim Preston" <jimli...@commspeed.net> wrote:

> The last issue is what is the default country code for ClamXav? I have
> not installed or configured ClamXav for a long time. I know that the
> default source build for clamav is #DatabaseMirror db.XY.clamav.net and
> by incorrect default configuration  just uses DatabaseMirror
> database.clamav.net. Again, this is not for this list to discuss
> specifically, but if ClamXav users are not selecting the proper database
> round robin for their locale, may be the package maintainers should
> force an interactive selection during the installation / configuration.

You are correct that the default is db.XY.clamav.net.  In working with users
I have observed that the network is pretty good about picking the correct
list to use based on what I understand is a complicated geographic analysis
of the client's IP address.  I have not observed any users being routed to
mirrors great distances away by using the default and as far as US users are
concerned I find their results almost always identical to mine at any given
time.  Because changing the CC involves non-trivial actions by a Mac user
(most don't even know where to find the Terminal app, let alone use it) and
it must be repeated each time the engine is reinstalled, I only recommend it
to those who have a need to update their database more often than every two
hours, since that's a clamav.net requirement or insist that they need to
make the change due to other network issues.  I have personally written a
short script to accomplish this, but don't always remember to use it.

I once thought about recommending to Mark that he make it a Preference
option, but never felt that it was truly necessary.  He's got his hands full
just keeping up with engine and OS changes, and there are several other
improvements that I feel are more important right now.

Al Varnell
Mountain View, CA

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