It's been over a month, should I have sent this to another list?

On Thu, 4 Aug 2016 23:47:15 wrote:
> Hello,
> I have two computers, a laptop (for getting online stuff), and a
> desktop. The desktop is at home which has no internet access due to the
> fact that I live in a rural area.
> I transferred the /var/lib/clamav/ (cvd) files to the desktop but the
> clamav on the desktop will not accept them, what do I do?
> The actual error message and related details are as follows:
> /********************************************************************/
> % clamscan ab.txt
> LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
> LibClamAV Warning: ***  The virus database is older than 7 days!  ***
> LibClamAV Warning: ***   Please update it as soon as possible.    ***
> LibClamAV Warning: **************************************************
> LibClamAV Error: Can't load /var/lib/clamav/main.cvd: Can't verify
> database integrity LibClamAV Error: cli_loaddbdir(): error loading
> database /var/lib/clamav/main.cvd ERROR: Can't verify database integrity
> ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
> Known viruses: 79537
> Engine version: 0.99
> Scanned directories: 0
> Scanned files: 0
> Infected files: 0
> Data scanned: 0.00 MB
> Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
> Time: 2.185 sec (0 m 2 s)
> % ls /var/lib/clamav/
> bytecode.cvd  daily.cld  daily.cvd  main.cvd  mirrors.dat
> % ls -l /var/lib/clamav/
> total 115248
> -rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav     69708 Apr 13 04:22 bytecode.cvd
> -rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav   6560768 Apr 13 04:22 daily.cld
> -rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav   2209152 Mar 28 16:01 daily.cvd
> -rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav 109143933 Mar 28 16:01 main.cvd
> -rw-r--r-- 1 clamav clamav       832 Apr 13 04:22 mirrors.dat
> % ls -dl /var/lib/clamav
> drwxr-xr-x 2 clamav clamav 4096 Jun 18 20:34 /var/lib/clamav
> % ls -dl /var/lib/
> drwxr-xr-x 198 root root 4096 Jul  4 18:49 /var/lib/
> % ls -dl /var/
> drwxr-xr-x 26 root root 4096 Jun  5 02:36 /var/
> /********************************************************************/
> Thanks, David

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