Hi ClamAV users,

I cannot figure out, why ClamAV fails to update the virus definitions.
Maybe you can help

I already did a lot of research with google.

What I have running:

ClamAV 0.99.2/22884/Fri Jan 13 09:07:47 2017
Not running in daemon mode. Executing freshclam cron controlled.
With each "--on-error-execute" a scripts deletes the mirrors.dat

This is the content of freshclam.conf:

DatabaseDirectory /var/clamav
UpdateLogFile /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log
LogSyslog yes
LogTime yes
LogVerbose no
Debug no
PidFile /var/run/freshclam.pid
DatabaseOwner clamav
DatabaseMirror db.de.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror db.local.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
MaxAttempts 8
ConnectTimeout 60
ReceiveTimeout 60
Checks 12

Output from an update try, after resetting virus definitions files and
also deleting mirros file:

Jan  8 13:07:56 System freshclam[5948]: ClamAV update process started at
Sun Jan  8 13:07:56 2017
Jan  8 13:07:56 System freshclam[5948]: Connecting via
Jan  8 13:07:56 System freshclam[5948]: main.cvd is up to date (version:
57, sigs: 4218790, f-level: 60, builder: amishhammer)
Jan  8 13:07:56 System freshclam[5948]: Connecting via
Jan  8 13:07:57 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: daily-22857.cdiff not
found on db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:07:57 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:07:57 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: daily-22857.cdiff not
found on db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:07:57 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:07:57 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: daily-22857.cdiff not
found on db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:07:57 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:07:57 System freshclam[5948]: Incremental update failed,
trying to download daily.cvd
Jan  8 13:08:11 System freshclam[5948]: Downloading daily.cvd [100%]
Jan  8 13:08:15 System freshclam[5948]: Mirror is not
Jan  8 13:08:15 System freshclam[5948]: Trying again in 5 secs...
Jan  8 13:08:20 System freshclam[5948]: ClamAV update process started at
Sun Jan  8 13:08:20 2017
Jan  8 13:08:20 System freshclam[5948]: Connecting via
Jan  8 13:08:20 System freshclam[5948]: main.cvd is up to date (version:
57, sigs: 4218790, f-level: 60, builder: amishhammer)
Jan  8 13:08:20 System freshclam[5948]: Connecting via
Jan  8 13:08:21 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: daily-22857.cdiff not
found on db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:08:21 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:08:21 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: daily-22857.cdiff not
found on db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:08:21 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:08:21 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: daily-22857.cdiff not
found on db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:08:21 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.de.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:08:21 System freshclam[5948]: Incremental update failed,
trying to download daily.cvd
Jan  8 13:08:33 System freshclam[5948]: Downloading daily.cvd [100%]
Jan  8 13:08:36 System freshclam[5948]: Mirror is not
Jan  8 13:08:36 System freshclam[5948]: Giving up on db.de.clamav.net...
Jan  8 13:08:36 System freshclam[5948]: ClamAV update process started at
Sun Jan  8 13:08:36 2017
Jan  8 13:08:36 System freshclam[5948]: Connecting via
Jan  8 13:08:36 System freshclam[5948]: main.cvd is up to date (version:
57, sigs: 4218790, f-level: 60, builder: amishhammer)
Jan  8 13:08:36 System freshclam[5948]: Connecting via
Jan  8 13:09:07 System freshclam[5948]: nonblock_recv: recv timing out
(30 secs)
Jan  8 13:09:07 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: Error while reading
database from db.local.clamav.net: Operation now in progress
Jan  8 13:09:07 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.local.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:09:37 System freshclam[5948]: nonblock_recv: recv timing out
(30 secs)
Jan  8 13:09:37 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: Error while reading
database from db.local.clamav.net: Operation now in progress
Jan  8 13:09:37 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.local.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:10:07 System freshclam[5948]: nonblock_recv: recv timing out
(30 secs)
Jan  8 13:10:07 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: Error while reading
database from db.local.clamav.net: Operation now in progress
Jan  8 13:10:07 System freshclam[5948]: getpatch: Can't download
daily-22857.cdiff from db.local.clamav.net
Jan  8 13:10:07 System freshclam[5948]: Incremental update failed,
trying to download daily.cvd
Jan  8 13:10:37 System freshclam[5948]: nonblock_recv: recv timing out
(30 secs)
Jan  8 13:10:37 System freshclam[5948]: getfile: Error while reading
database from db.local.clamav.net: Operation now in progress
Jan  8 13:10:37 System freshclam[5948]: Can't download daily.cvd from
Jan  8 13:10:37 System freshclam[5948]: Giving up on db.local.clamav.net...
Jan  8 13:10:37 System freshclam[5948]: Update failed. Your network may
be down or none of the mirrors listed in /etc/freshclam.conf is working.
Check http://www.clamav.net/doc/mirrors-faq.html for possible reasons.

This problem occurs on a particular system only. The same configuration
is installed on other systems too, there I don't see the problem.

Any help appreciated.


Sébastien Tête

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