Am 16.02.2017 um 14:34 schrieb ellanios82:
On 02/16/17 15:09, Mark Allan wrote:
How is it more helpful? Because I gave the answer*and*  explained what
it did

 - tremendous :

no - it was a answer for a specific shell in a more ore less recent version - that feature was added some years ago, before it was "2>> file.txt >> file.txt"

 after all , Linux invites ordinary Home Users :

NOT just people who know Unix

[ i do not : i have zero computer education]

click on the damend link i posted and you will see that the copy paste is there BUT ADDITIONALLY informations provided and instead whining like a child beause *one additional click* you could really stop whining at all

in the middle of the screen you find the snippet for copy and paste but IN A CORRECT WAY - the "2>&1" of the smart ass in fact is BASH-SPECIFIC and don't work on every shell as well as on older bash versions

Bourne-style shells allow standard error to be redirected to the same destination that standard output is directed to using


as i bought my first PC in 1998 i also did not have, as i swictehd completly to Linux 2006 i did not have, as i took over the CTO and all technical administartion two years later i did not have

so what is your point?
stop whining and educate yourself

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