It appears as though the antivirus signatures written in bytecode ran longer 
than the default timeout.  If you wanted to try again with a longer timeout, 
that's an option.

To test with a longer bytecode timeout in clamscan, use the --bytecode-timeout 
flag and pass in the desired timeout in millisecond.  I believe the default is 
5000, so you could try maybe double, or triple that.

Micah Snyder
ClamAV Development
Cisco Systems, Inc.

On May 19, 2018, at 10:10 AM, Christian 
<<>> wrote:

Hi altogether,

I wonder if you could help me with a particular warning-message I get
when scanning a certain pdf-file.

I downloaded a German-Russian study book as a pdf-file.
When scanning it I got the following output:

clamscan Russisch_bitte_von_BookFi.pdf
LibClamAV Warning: [Bytecode JIT]: Bytecode run timed out, timeout flag set
LibClamAV Warning: [Bytecode JIT]: recovered from error
LibClamAV Warning: [Bytecode JIT]: JITed code intercepted runtime error!
LibClamAV Warning: Bytcode 20 failed to run: Time limit reached
Russisch_bitte_von_BookFi.pdf: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6512795
Engine version: 0.99.4
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 26.41 MB
Data read: 16.04 MB (ratio 1.65:1)
Time: 24.279 sec (0 m 24 s)

As can be seen the file was scanned and apparently successful so.
Nothing harmful could be found.
Yet I donĀ“t know what to make of those LibClamAV Warning-messages. What
do they mean and are they something to be worried about?



I also sent the pdf-file to VirusTotal and all of the 57 virus-scanners
said O.K.
So it should definitely be alright.
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