Hi All,

Currently have a RHEL server in a DMZ segment, where direct internet access is 
not permitted. I have installed clamd on the host to be able to perform on 
access scanning of documents uploaded through web based forms.  The problem is, 
what can I do to update the definitions so that the latest threat data is being 
used in said scans?

I doubt that tcp/53 will be permitted out of the firewall to do the latest DNS 
checks and not sure if I can gain access to be able to whitelist the .au 
mirrors of:

$ host db.au.clamav.net
db.au.clamav.net is an alias for db.au.clamav.net.cdn.cloudflare.net.
db.au.clamav.net.cdn.cloudflare.net has address
db.au.clamav.net.cdn.cloudflare.net has address
db.au.clamav.net.cdn.cloudflare.net has address
db.au.clamav.net.cdn.cloudflare.net has address
db.au.clamav.net.cdn.cloudflare.net has address

Is there a way that I can copy the files from another server internal to the 
network out to the server in the DMZ? Without running freshclam to update? And 
just reload clamd?

I did investigate the PrivateMirror and DatabaseMirror options, but as this is 
the same protocol going out as coming in with the requests, I doubt security 
will permit HTTP traffic to an internal host as it does not pass the protocol 
separation requirements.

Any ideas of options?

Cheers and thanks

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