On 17/10/2019 16:51, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Vladislav Kurz via clamav-users wrote:
>> So the question is - what would be easier to code?
>> - reloading in background thread
>> - reloading limited to new files
> It is not clear to me that the latter suggestion is feasible, but...
> 1. Reload in a separate thread was first coded about six years ago.
> 2. After other, more recent discussions on this list some weeks ago,
>    I provided a patch for the current version of clamd, using that
>    original code as a basis.  Yet more recently, one of the ClamAV
>    developers provided a similar patch.  Both are freely available.
> 3. I've been running the patched code without issue for months.

Oh great. Thank you Ged for writing and testing it. I apologise for not
noticing that these patch is already done. Is there anything blocking
this patch from being accepted ?

I'm noticing clamav-reload related timeouts on more and more (mostly
older or low-end) servers, which were running just fine a year or two ago.

Best regards
        Vladislav Kurz


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