Citeren Michael Orlitzky via clamav-users <>:

Well empirically that's not true, because it isn't working. Add PIDFile
entries to your service files when using Type=forking, and synchronize
them with the PidFile lines in clamd.conf and freshclam.conf.

Makes no difference at all. Even without using systemd, clamd doesn't
daemonize anymore, it will always run in the foreground.

How long have you waited for clamd to start? With git head (and only
official signatures), it takes about 25 seconds here:

  # time sbin/clamd

  real  0m25.409s
  user  0m0.005s
  sys   0m0.005s

Loading takes a similar amount of time here, from the time starting '/usr/sbin/clamd --debug' to the moment the line

    aug 21 17:14:12 orthros clamd[7841]: Self checking every 600 seconds.

is logged.

but after that the process does indeed fork into the background. If it
doesn't, maybe we're looking in the wrong place. The PID file also
points to the correct (forked) process in my case:

  # cat run/

In a different command window:

    # cat /run/clamav/

So the PID file seems to contain the correct information

  # ps ax | grep clamd
  7436 ?        Ssl    0:25 sbin/clamd

    # ps ax | grep clamd
    7840 pts/2    S+     0:00 /usr/sbin/clamd --debug
    7841 ?        Ssl    0:38 /usr/sbin/clamd --debug

Previously I've waited for more than an hour, no change. The process running under root never exits.


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