Hi there,

On Wed, 24 Feb 2021, Joe Acquisto-j4 wrote:

... limited familiarity ...

Of course.  It all takes time and neurone cycles.

There's a simple-minded but reasonable view of the milter API at


which has a useful diagram although it's inaccurate.

This goes into significantly more detail:


but beware that it's old, and it's mostly about MIMEDefang, which I
used to use but found a trifle cumbersome so I eventually dropped it
(and wrote my own MIME handling).  Also I don't think the original
owner of Roaring Penguin still works with mail so I don't know if
MIMEDefang is still supported and/or promoted.

There's a fairly extensive list of resources for which I can't
necessarily vouch at


and you'll find a rather impenetrable but highly detailed description
of the API in the 'docs' directory beneath the 'libmilter' directory
in the Sendmail source code, for example this fairly up-to-date copy:


That is, I'm afraid, the definitive guide for the milter API at least
until I finish writing mine. :)

Since you've mostly been asking about things to do with clamav-milter,
this is more or less back on-topic again. :)




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