
Thank you for your email.  As a result of events documented in places here:

We’ve been forced to take emergency measures to protect the ClamAV environment.

Please Immediately switch to using Freshclam or 
https://github.com/micahsnyder/cvdupdate to update your AV definitions.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but we are currently in emergency mode and have to 
make several drastic changes over the last several days.

Joel Esler
Manager, Communities Division
Cisco Talos Intelligence Group
http://www.talosintelligence.com | https://www.snort.org

Sent from my  iPhone

On Mar 11, 2021, at 07:11, Adam Copley via clamav-users 
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:


I have an airgapped setup which only has one route out to the internet for 
select destinations…

The freshclam clients connect to an nginx vhost and ultimately forwards the 
requests to an artifactory instance which has a remote repository setup to use 
database.clamav.net<http://database.clamav.net> as its source in order to be 
able to pull the cvd updates.

This was working before Christmas, and has probably gone un-noticed as 
artifactory has caching enabled

However when removing the cvd files from the cache, and freshclam attempts to 
update the db it returns a 404 from the cache. Artifactory would normally at 
this point fetch files from the remote. However this isn’t happening anymore.

I see in the docs that scripting for things like curl return 403, amongst other 
error codes. I believe artifactory rather than acting as a proxy Is actually 
making a request itself so possibly behaving similarly as though I were to do a 
curl. As such our setup is broken.

Has anyone had any experience with a similar setup, primarily artifactory —> 
database.clamav.net<http://database.clamav.net> if anyone can share thoughts it 
would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Adam Copley
E: adam.cop...@arola.co.uk<mailto:adam.cop...@arola.co.uk> | M: 07500937181
W: http://www.arola.co.uk | Jabber: xmpp:adam.cop...@arola.co.uk

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