On 11.03.21 23:28, adam.cop...@arola.co.uk via clamav-users wrote:
  Thank you for replying however we are using freshclam the approved method.
  The problem is that our setup is not allowed to go out via a proxy, the
  only method is to have artifactory mirror the public repo, but as that is
  now being blocked this is very problematic.

I believe you should contact artifactory to fix their mirror.

Using any mirror should lower the load on clamav servers, apparently they
messed it up.

  The reason for the setup is because I work for a government organisation
  so security is extremely tight. They only have limited ways of allowing
  public access and unfortunately this is the way currently.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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