On Apr 8, 2021, at 2:26 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas 
<uh...@fantomas.sk<mailto:uh...@fantomas.sk>> wrote:

On 08.04.21 16:23, Joel Esler (jesler) via clamav-users wrote:
Advice, for literally anyone:

Upgrade to 103.2.  The FreshClam there is much better and will resolve the 

I don't think this is easily doable for devuan ascii.
(not much people want to backport manually)

Still, 102.4 should work properly, shouldn't it?

It does.  But 103.2 handles the downloads and interactions SO MUCH BETTER (I’ve 
been watching the updates for 103.2’s FreshClam all morning, and it’s working 
so much better.

Please.  Please upgrade.

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