Hi everyone

I have a scenario where I need to run Clamonacc to watch a filesystem inside a Docker container, but clamd must be outside of the container on the host. I can't find any documentation that describes that scenario, nor anything that says it's not possible but I have seen references in bug reports and forum posts where people discussed using clamonacc with a TCP socket to clamd, which I assume would work for this scenario, but how it was configured was not covered.

I've tried mapping the clam.ctl socket from the host into the container in the location specified in clamd.conf, running the container with --add-cap SYS_ADMIN, then running clamonacc manually inside the container with --stream and pointing it at clamd.conf, but I can still cat the eicar.com file in the watched directory.

LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
OnAccessMaxFileSize 5M
OnAccessPrevention true
OnAccessIncludePath /tmp
OnAccessExcludeUname clamav

Can anybody advise on whether this is achievable and point me in the right direction?


Adam Sweet

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