Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:48:23 -0600:

>>      classpath/java/awt/font: 
>>      Declare OpenType tags as 'public static final'.
>Please revert this patch.  Fields in an interface are implicitly
>public, static, and final; see JLS 9.3. Our coding standard is not to
>add the unnecessary modifiers.

I know about the implicit modifiers for interface fields, but I am a bit
surprised that omitting them would be our coding standard. Is it a good
idea to omit declarations that, while technically redundant, make the
code easier to understand?

But then, we all have other things to do than arguing about matters of
taste, so I've reverted the change.

-- Sascha

Sascha Brawer, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 

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