Sounds good, I'll try it out. Thanks for the help.

2013/1/31 Oleg Dulin <>:
> Use embedded amq brokers , no need set up any servers  . It literally is
> one line of code to turn it on, and 5 lines of code to implement what you
> want.
> We have a cluster of servers writing to Cassandra this way and we are not
> using any j2ee containers.
> On Thursday, January 31, 2013, Daniel Godás wrote:
>> Doesn't that require you to set up a server for the message queue and
>> know it's address? That sort of defeats the purpose of having a
>> database like cassandra in which all nodes are equal and there's no
>> single point of failure.
>> 2013/1/31 Oleg Dulin < <javascript:;>>:
>> > Use a JMS message queue to send objects you want to write. Your writer
>> process then will listen on this queue and write to Cassandra. This ensures
>> that all writes happen in an orderly fashion, one batch at a time.
>> >
>> > I suggest ActiveMQ. It is easy to set up. This is what we use for this
>> type of a use case. No need to overcomplicate this with Cassandra.
>> >
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Oleg Dulin
>> > Please note my new office #: 732-917-0159
>> >
>> > On Jan 31, 2013, at 6:35 AM, Daniel Godás <<javascript:;>>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> I need a locking mechanism on top of cassandra so that multiple
>> >> clients can protect a critical section. I've seen some attempts,
>> >> including Dominic Williams' wait chain algorithm but I think it can be
>> >> simplified. This is the procedure I wrote to implement a simple mutex.
>> >> Note that it hasn't been thoroughly tested and I have been using
>> >> cassandra for a very short time so I'd appreciate any comments on
>> >> obvious errors or things I'm doing plain wrong and will never work.
>> >>
>> >> The assumptions and requirements for the algorithm are the same as
>> >> Dominic Williams'
>> >> (
>> >>
>> >> We will create a column family for the locks referred to as "locks"
>> >> throughout this procedure. The column family contains two columns; an
>> >> identifier for the lock  which will also be the column key ("id") and
>> >> a counter ("c"). Throughout the procedure "my_lock_id" will be used as
>> >> the lock identifier. An arbitrary time-to-live value is required by
>> >> the algorithm. This value will be referred to as "t". Choosing an
>> >> appropriate value for "t" will be postponed until the algorithm is
>> >> deemed good.
>> >>
>> >> === begin procedure ===
>> >>
>> >> (A) When a client needs to access the critical section the following
>> >> steps are taken:
>> >>
>> >> --- begin ---
>> >>
>> >> 1) SELECT c FROM locks WHERE id = my_lock_id
>> >> 2) if c = 0 try to acquire the lock (B), else don't try (C)
>> >>
>> >> --- end ---
>> >>
>> >> (B) Try to acquire the lock:
>> >>
>> >> --- begin ---
>> >>
>> >> 1) UPDATE locks USING TTL t SET c = c + 1 WHERE id = my_lock_id
>> >> 2) SELECT c FROM locks WHERE id = my_lock_id
>> >> 3) if c = 1 we acquired the lock (D), else we didn't (C)
>> >>
>> >> --- end ---
>> >>
>> >> (C) Wait before re-trying:
>> >>
>> >> --- begin ---
>> >>
>> >> 1) sleep for a random time higher than t and start at (A) again
>> >>
>> >> --- end ---
>> >>
>> >> (D) Execute the critical section and release the lock:
>> >>
>> >> --- begin ---
>> >>
>> >> 1) start background thread that increments c with TTL = t every t / 2
>> >> interval (UPDATE locks USING TTL t SET c = c + 1 WHERE id =
>> >> my_lock_id)
>> >> 2) execute the critical section
>> >> 3) kill background thread
>> >> 4) DELETE * FROM locks WHERE id = my_lock_id
>> >>
>> >> --- end ---
>> >>
>> >> === end procedure ===
>> >>
>> >> Looking forward to read your comments,
>> >> Dan
>> >
> --
> Sent from Gmail Mobile

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