Messages by Thread
function call speed...
Call for Contributions: BOB 2025 (Berlin, March 14 - Deadline Nov 15)
Michael Sperber
[ANN] clj-uuid 0.2.0 (RFC-9652)
2024 State of Clojure survey
Alex Miller
[ANN] New blog post: Lisp's grandfather paradox
Daniel Szmulewicz
Call for Participation, Functional Software Architecture (Sep 6, Milan)
Michael Sperber
[ANN] Pedestal 0.7.0
Howard Lewis Ship
Remote Role - Clojure Software Engineer - Comcast
abhishek rawat
[ANN] Instaparse 1.5.0
Mark Engelberg
Final CfP: ACM Workshop on Functional Software Architecture [Deadline June 3]
Michael Sperber
Final Call: ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design (Deadline June 1)
Michael Sperber
Call for Papers: Scheme '24
Kristopher Micinski
[ANN] New blog post on Perfumed Nightmare
Daniel Szmulewicz
[CfPart] 17th European Lisp Symposium -- May 6-7, Vienna, Austria
Didier Verna
[ANN] Meyvn template for the new Websocket standard in Ring
Daniel Szmulewicz
Sierra's Component
Call for Papers: ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design (Deadline June 1)
Michael Sperber
Call for Papers: ACM Workshop on Functional Software Architecture
Michael Sperber
[Last CfP] 17th European Lisp Symposium, May 6-7 2024, Vienna
Didier Verna
[ANN] Nubank's aws-api 0.8.692
Scott Bale
ANN: ClojureScript 1.11.132
David Nolen
what is the best forum for keeping up with Clojure?
[ANN] Simple Clojure/ClojureScript IDE based on Protege and Figwheel-main
[CfP] 17th European Lisp Symposium, May 6-7 2024, Vienna, Austria
Didier Verna
Can't start figweel.main on other Linux-machine
Suspended var swaps in core.logic.nominal
Moe Aboulkheir
2nd Call for Contributions: BOB 2024 [March 15, Deadline Nov 17]
Michael Sperber
Clojure in Canada
Ivan Grishaev
Announcing Clojure API for Rama: build end-to-end scalable backends in 100x less code
Nathan Marz
Call for Contributions: BOB 2024 [March 15, Deadline Nov 17]
Michael Sperber
[ANN] Clojars now requires a license in the POM for new projects or projects that already specify a license
Toby Crawley
Clojure-Asia (09/23) Online Meetup
Zack Teo
Clojure-Asia (08/23) Online Meetup
Zack Teo
[ANN] Cohere Clojure SDK
Daniel Szmulewicz
[ANN] Typed Clojure 1.1.1 - Symbolic Execution
Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant
[Survey] Clojure/Script app monitoring service
Peter Taoussanis
Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (FARM 2023) Sep 8: Call for Participation
Michael Sperber
[ANN] [VIDEO] Integrating generative AI features in Clojure
Daniel Szmulewicz
Call for Participation, Functional Software Architecture (Sep 8, Seattle)
Michael Sperber
Clojure Asia (07/23) Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
Clojursist Together Q3 2023 Funding Round Open for Applications
Kathleen Davis
Re: Clojure Golf, episode 1
Fiverr Me
[ANN] aws-api 0.8.686 is now available!
Scott Bale
[ANN] New video about the Meyvn polyglot REPL environment
Daniel Szmulewicz
[ANN] aws-api 0.8.681 is now available!
David Chelimsky
[ANN] io.pedesta/pedestal libraries 0.6.0
'Howard Lewis Ship' via Clojure
Next-level Background Processing (Goose) - Akshat: Clojure-Asia (05/23) Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
Switch devops environments via namespaces
Felix Dorner
[ANN] Video tutorial about the Meyvn REPL
Daniel Szmulewicz
Final Call for Papers: ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design (Deadline June 1)
Michael Sperber
Final CfP: Functional Software Architecture - FP in the Large (deadline June 1)
Michael Sperber
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.666
David Chelimsky
2nd Call for Papers: ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design (Deadline June 1)
Michael Sperber
Apply for New Funding Round from Clojurists Together
Kathleen Davis
2nd CfP: Functional Software Architecture - FP in the Large (deadline June 1)
Michael Sperber
Dependencies - Fundamentals!
'Tête à-tête' via Clojure
[Blog]: Clojurescript, Ionic framework, Helix & refx example
Marko Kocić
Call for Papers, Functional Software Architecture - FP in the Large
Michael Sperber
Clojure which would not work correctly if variables were allocated on the stack.
Generating music with MIDI and Software Instruments - Cameron Desautels : Clojure-Asia (03/23) Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
Intercepting emacs nrepl input within cider
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.652
David Chelimsky
State of Clojure 2023 Survey
Alex Miller
Clojure team / Open to new projects
'Marek Rinko' via Clojure
[ANN] Electric Clojure v2-alpha
Dustin Getz
Override deps
'Tête à-tête' via Clojure
[ANN] com.walmartlabs/lacinia 1.2
'Howard Lewis Ship' via Clojure
2nd Call for Participation: BOB 2023 (Berlin, March 17 - early bird expires today)
Michael Sperber
ClojureDart Workshop
Jacek Schae
Clojure monolith experience report - Reddy Kapil : Clojure-Asia (01/23) Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
cider repl error ClassNotFoundException: jdk.javadoc.doclet.Doclet
Nyemike Onukwu
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.635
David Chelimsky
HOP, the open platform for Clojure(Script) developers
Bingen Galartza Iparragirre
Ann: factorhouse/slipway - A Clojure Companion to Jetty.
Derek Troy-West
Call for Participation: BOB 2022 (Berlin, March 17)
Michael Sperber
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.630
David Chelimsky
? stateful-map ?
[ANN] Pedestal 0.5.11-beta-1
'Howard Lewis Ship' via Clojure
ANN: just-maven-clojure-archetype 0.3-RELEASE
Jon Seltzer
2nd Call for Contributions: BOB 2023 [March 17, Deadline Nov 21]
Michael Sperber
Clojure-Asia October 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.603
David Chelimsky
Call for Contributions: BOB 2023 [March 17, Deadline Nov 21]
Michael Sperber
[ANN] Debian-based official Clojure Docker images
Wes Morgan
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.596
David Chelimsky
Clojure-Asia September 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
[ANN] Cognitect Labs' aws-api 0.8.589
David Chelimsky
Re: Announcing The Little Learner: A Straight Line to Deep Learning
Anurag Mendhekar
Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (FARM 2022) Sep 15: Call for Participation
Michael Sperber
Clojure-Asis August 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
Clojure Luminus framework and Single Sign On
Sameer Thajudin
Re: Manifold questions: Creating sinks/sources
Jason Zwolak
Clojure data science community update - Aug. 2022 - Kira McLean
Daniel Slutsky
Are there Clojure meetups in NYC?
Lawrence Krubner
variable name duplicate
[JOB] Looking to hire a Senior Clojure Backend Developer
Deyan Yotsov
[Final CFP] Deadline Extended! Scheme 2022, Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop 2022
Andy Keep
Clojure-Asia July 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
Blog post about using htmx with Kit Framework
Marko Kocić
[2nd CFP] Scheme 2022, 23rd Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop
Andy Keep
{JOB} Funding Circle - Clojure - London
'Angela Piergiovanni Grosso' via Clojure
Clojure-Asia June 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
CfP deadline extension June 8 - ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design
Michael Sperber
Book project : compilation of Rich Hickey conferences transcripts translated in french
Paul schuhmacher
Any updates on spec after “Maybe Not” presentation?
Dmitry Kakurin
Unnecessary boxing of return from set!
pete windle
Final CfP - ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design - Deadline June 1
Michael Sperber
Clojure Nails - playlist of short videos on different Clojure topics
'Андрей Иванов' via Clojure
Clojure-Asia May 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
ANN: FlowStorm 2.0, a Clojure debugger
Juan Monetta
We are hiring Clojure Developer
Juan Pablo Montellano
Clojure Docker images breaking change
Wes Morgan
2nd CfP - ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design - Deadline June 1
Michael Sperber
Clojure-Asia April 2022 Online Meetup
Clojure Asia
Re: Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic
'Harvie Griffith Jr.' via Clojure
Clojure 1.11 is now available!
Alex Miller
[CFP] Scheme 2022, 23rd Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop
Andy Keep
Connect to Mongo Database via TLS
Andreas Guther
ANN: Clojars one-off deploy tokens; emails on deployment
Toby Crawley
Clojure-Asia March 2022 Online Meetup
Zack Teo
Why is next.jdbc using my IP address?
Lawrence Krubner
[ANN] com.stuartsierra/component 1.1.0
Stuart Sierra
2nd Call for Participation: ´Virtual BOB 2022 (March 11)
Michael Sperber
how do I debug a cryptic XML error?
Developing Ionic application using Clojurescript
Marko Kocić
Clojure-Asia February 2022 Online meetup
Zack Teo
Best implementations of core.matrix for MBPro M1/arm machines?
Richard Belew
pre and post assertions, always in the meta data?
common ways to run regex against either Hickory HTML or zippers?
How to suppress warnings about namespace replacements?
Looking for a Senior Clojure Engineer @
'Angel Gutierrez' via Clojure
real-world-data meetings
Daniel Slutsky
visual-tools group -- meeting 1
Daniel Slutsky
Call for Participation: ´Virtual BOB 2022 (March 11, registration open)
Michael Sperber
a new Mac, with an old Emacs setup, and Cider won't work
Python dataclass equivalent
Kovas Palunas