Instead of require call use and should get you what you want.

On Dec 20, 2008 9:15 AM, "chris" <> wrote:

That helped, thanks Christophe.

I have one more problem:

I put it in a util file, under a util namespace:

(ns lambinator.util)

(defmacro sets! [vars & rest] `(do ~@(map (fn [flds] `(set! (. ~vars ~(first
flds)) ~(second flds...
Now I want to use it outside that namespace.  It seems that I have to
do two things when I load from a jar...

(require 'lambinator.util)

(lambinator.util/sets! c fill GridBagConstraints/VERTICAL weightx 1.5)

How do I use the function/macro outside the namespace it was created
in without prefixing it with lambinator.util?  Import, require don't
seem to do what I want...


On Dec 20, 12:28 am, Christophe Grand <> wrote: > chris
a écrit : > > > Hello,...

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