It was our own initiative. 4 of us integrated an existing team of
developers and they
were required to spit out detailed specs at every release.

This was a real-time redundant system to control production and
transportation of electricity in the province of Quebec.
That system had to show up 99.9999% availability.
We have a vast network here, a single utility and the production sites
(up north in the James Bay area ) are far from the consumers (mostly
south near the St-Lawrence 
river). The software to control this as to be resilient otherwise the
whole network can
come down even if the network control is distributed in several centres.

The idea of "duplicating" the content of the code in a document seemed
to us a waste of time
and money. So we came out with this tool. We had a significant number of
modules to add
to the existing system and many modifications to existing modules.

Saved us many hours of document editing, reviewing and so on. It proved
very efficient.
Of course the requirement of having detailed documentation is not always
in most systems. But this one being critical, that requirement was

Maybe I should look back at this and see how I could revive it. I used
to comment heavily my code
in my first ten years or so. I wrote a number of systems in assembly
languages (20,000 to 40,000 lines)
and it's quite natural to add comments when programming systems of that
I kept this habit for a long time even in high level languages or not so
high level (C).

Maybe I should experiment again and see if it's worthwhile.

I was rather pissed off by the lacklustre of javadoc, especially when
you need to add html tags to get some decent output.
Our tools did not need any formatting hints. That was handled when
calling the tool. The tags we used
were there to indicate the sections forming the document, not the way
they were to be presented.
They were simple tags inserted at the beginning of a comment line.

You could change the rendering of the document when calling the tool.

That idea came from SGML that we were using at the time, WYSIWYG was
just around the corner but we still had to typeset
our documents using SGML tags. With SGML you postpone the presentation
issues were they belong, when rendering the document
on your laser printer or other rendering device.

I may dedicate some time to this. Of course it has to be adapted to the
languages used today and coders have to show
some willingness to add significant comments to their code. If people
are reluctant to do this then such a tool does not
have any future :))))


On Wed, 2008-12-31 at 17:23 -0800, Joseph Jones wrote:

> On Dec 31, 2008, at 1:29 PM, Luc Prefontaine wrote:
> > In the mid 80's I and others in a Fortran dev. team created a super  
> > javadoc. This beast was spitting out a FULL
> > document in the editor used by office people.
> >
> > You would write comments in the code that were extracted and you  
> > would get a readable well formatted
> > document after running the tool. Without the comments, the document  
> > looked ... empty and ugly.
> > Missing items were as obvious as a nose in a face.
> >
> > Easier for code reviewer to control that, no need to read the code,  
> > read the document. If it does not make sense
> > then go back to the coder.
> >
> > Coders had to add decent comments since the conventions were not  
> > only based on what you extract from the code
> > (like javadoc) but also what is expected in comments so the document  
> > text content gets filled with decent content.
> > When you force the coder to enter comments to fil a chapter  
> > introduction, well he/she has no choice.
> >
> > Of course it looks like if creating code is twice as complex but in  
> > fact you saved time when you need a system to be
> > described very precisely. It also insured that comments were  
> > meaningful and in synch. with the code.
> >
> That sounds a LOT like Knuth's Literate Programming. Was there  
> influence from that or was this wholly based non your own?
> joe
> > 

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