On Jan 25, 2009, at 8:05 PM, wubbie wrote:

Wait... I just tried (first (list (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))) and got 3!
So (list a b c) is different than '( a b c)? I thought they are

Right, as your experiment shows, the ' in '(a b c) quotes both the list itself and all of its contents.

Using vectors to hold your data can be a convenient way to experiment because you don't have to worry about avoiding the special evaluation rules for lists.

user=> [(+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)]
[3 7]

One strategy for working with Clojure is to favor using:

        - lists mostly for function calls,
        - vectors, maps, and sets mostly for collecting data, and
        - seqs (and the seq functions) mostly for manipulating data.

Clojure's rich set of literal syntax for collections other than lists is very helpful in keeping code readable while following that strategy.


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