On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:13 PM, Whirlycott <p...@whirlycott.com> wrote:
> I'm new to Clojure and I'm wondering how I'm supposed to be thinking
> about various things.  I want to use the c3p0 database connection pool
> in a Clojure app.  In Java, I would simply create an instance of this
> class and either assign it to a static field or perhaps make it
> available in a singleton and use it from there.
> In Clojure, am I supposed to use a var or a ref for this?  Or
> something else entirely?

Refs are only useful if you plan to change the value of the ref to
point to a new object.  It sounds to me like you don't plan to do
this.  On the other hand, Vars are created most often via 'defn', and
generally their values never change and they are globally accessible.

I think a Var would do very nicely in this case.

(def connection-pool (new DatabasePool ...))


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