+1 for the EAP of YourKit.  It will expire every now and then, but you
just download the new version.

The only problem I have is that as far as I can figure out, it can't
display source code associated with a function either.  This is
usually fine, except for that it can be impossible to figure out which
anonymous function is which, and even worse, it seems that the Clojure
compiler currently names methods like anonymous functions (so you
can't tell which method name, let alone instance, is actually being
called).  I plan on trying to implement / ask for more descriptive
method and anonymous function names (e.g., including line numbers) at
some point.


On Feb 6, 4:44 am, Mark McGranaghan <mmcgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can use the Early Access version of YourKit: it does not require a
> license key and in my experience works great:
> http://www.yourkit.com/eap/index.jsp
> - Mark
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Sergio <bigmonac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have been trying out the YourKit profiler and I think it's great.
> > However, my evaluation license is going to expire soon and being a
> > student I can't purchase (even the academic) license right now.
> > I have tried profiler4j and it is usable but it isn't working 100%
> > right with clojure (in my case). Jrat (http://jrat.sourceforge.net/)
> > seems promising as well as JIP (http://jiprof.sourceforge.net/) (the
> > fact that it outputs text means that there could be easy integration
> > with Emacs with some Elisp code), but I haven't tried them yet.
> > Nothing I have checked out seems as nice as YourKit, although those
> > two I mentioned appear to get close.
> > Again, I haven't tried them. I am going to, and they would probably
> > meet my needs perfectly, but still.. If anyone knows of something
> > better or has any recommendations/opinions they could share, please
> > do. Thanks!
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