We'd just have to write our own JVM of course. ;)

On Feb 6, 6:19 pm, mikel <mev...@mac.com> wrote:
> What happens to Clojure if something bad happens to the JVM?
> It's not that I think the JVM is going away any time soon. Sure, Sun
> looks kind of shaky right now, but there are alternative sources of
> JVMs. Probably the JVM can survive even if Sun doesn't.
> Probably.
> But I had a favorite programming language once before. It was a Lisp
> called Ralph. Eventually the company that developed it abandoned it,
> and it evolved into a different language, called Dylan, that I don't
> like anywhere near as much. That was a bad experience, and I don't
> care to repeat it. It was well over a decade before Clojure came
> along, and until it did, there was no programming language that I
> liked nearly as much as Ralph. I had to make do in the interim with
> Common Lisp, Ocaml, and Haskell, languages that I like a lot, but not
> as much as I liked Ralph.
> So, I'm probably just being paranoid, but indulge me for a moment:
> what happens to Clojure if something bad happens to the JVM? If the
> JVM went away or turned into something ugly for some reason, how would
> the Clojure community respond? By going extinct? By mutating into
> something much less appealing, as happened with Ralph and Dylan? Or by
> finding some way to preserve the particular character of Clojure and
> its community? What is the way to preserve that particular character?
> Can you imagine a Clojure implementation on a different underlying
> runtime? Which ones might possibly be suitable? Can you imagine a
> Clojure on top of, say the CLR? Or on top of a Common Lisp? Or on GHC
> or perhaps the LLVM?
> Merely imagining these alternatives goes some way toward ameliorating
> my senile paranoia.
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