(time (let [arr  (make-array Float/TYPE 1 1)]
(dotimes [_ 100000]
  (let [#^floats sub-arr (aget arr 0)]
    (aset-float sub-arr 0 0.0)))))

Seems to work? Looks an eligible candidate for a macro.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Jason Wolfe <jawo...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> I'm trying to call some third-party code that expects a two-
> dimensional double array, and I can't figure out how to create and
> fill this in Clojure without a huge perf hit (which profiling shows to
> be coming from reflection):
> user> (time (let [arr  (make-array Double/TYPE 1)] (dotimes [_ 100000]
> (aset-double arr 0 0.0))))
> "Elapsed time: 28.408 msecs"
> nil
> user> (time (let [arr  (make-array Double/TYPE 1 1)] (dotimes [_
> 100000] (aset-double arr 0 0 0.0))))
> "Elapsed time: 3634.136 msecs"
> nil
> I've tried adding type hints like #^"[[D" to no avail.  What am I
> missing here?
> BTW, I'm still on the pre-lazy SVN, waiting for the dust to settle.
> Thanks,
> Jason
> >

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