Hi folks;

I have an intermittent problem that's driving me nuts.
I'm running the emacs-starter-kit setup for editing clojure, recently
updated from git, and when I first run "M-x slime", I often get the
following messages:
user=> user=> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority
component (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
user=> user=> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: swank.swank (NO_SOURCE_FILE:9)
user=> user=> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: swank.swank (NO_SOURCE_FILE:11)

I then get a continual message of the form:
Polling "/var/folders/9h/9h261S2vGcakoICm25U72k+++TI/-Tmp-/slime.21452"..
(Abort with `M-x slime-abort-connection'.)

... and I have to abort.
However, sometimes, generally when I've started trying to fiddle
around with inserting println statements in the swank code, I run
'slime' again - and everything is good!
Well, I still seem to get the
   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component
message, but slime/swank/clojure all seem to work.

Any thoughts? Any ideas where to look?
Note this is with MacPorts emacs Version 23.0.0 (NS 9.0-rc3)

- Korny
Kornelis Sietsma  korny at my surname dot com
kornys on gmail, twitter, facebook, etc.
"Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part
that wonders what the part that isn't thinking
isn't thinking of"

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