I have thought the same thing in the past. But, in practice, this has
never been a problem for me. Not once. Now I haven't written
quadrillions of lines of Lisp, but it doesn't seem to have been a
problem for those who have either.

One thing to keep in mind is that you don't typically have tons of
macros nebulously floating around all over the place. When you first
learn about macros, they seem so cool and so powerful, and it seems
like you will be writing as many macros as functions. But it turns out
that a little goes a long way with macros. You just don't end up
writing all that many. It's not really hard to keep track of which
names are macros.

"With functions, code is WYSIWYG".

Well. Maybe. You still can't magically know what a function does just
by looking at an application of it. Sure, its name and the context
help, but if you're uncertain about a function you're going to have to
look at the documentation or whatever anyway. It's not really any
different with macros in the mix, ultimately.
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