Here's a simplified example:

(defn wat [& {:keys [a b c d e f
                     map-0 map-1 map-2]}]
  (cond-> "foo"
    a (str a)
    b (str b)
    c (str c)
    d (str d)
    e (str e)
    f (str f)
    map-0 (cond->
              (:a map-0) (str (:a map-0))
              (:b map-0) (str (:b map-0))
              (:c map-0) (str (:c map-0))
              (:d map-0) (str (:d map-0)))
    map-1 (cond->
              (:a map-1) (str (:a map-1))
              (:b map-1) (str (:b map-1))
              (:c map-1) (str (:c map-1))
              (:d map-1) (str (:d map-1)))
    map-2 (cond->
              (:a map-2) (str (:a map-2))
              (:b map-2) (str (:b map-2))
              (:c map-2) (str (:c map-2))
              (:d map-2) (str (:d map-2)))))

On Thursday, July 20, 2017 at 6:36:42 PM UTC-4, Milt Reder wrote:
> Hey Clojurians,
> I'm experiencing some odd behavior with cond-> and was wondering if anyone 
> had any ideas. I was troubleshooting a very slow load time in one of our 
> projects, and traced it to a web templating library we maintain. One of the 
> functions in this lib, `cell` takes a *very* long time (about a minute) to 
> define in Clojure:
> (def valid-align #{:top :middle :bottom})
> (def align-mdl-class
>   {:top    "mdl-cell--top"
>    :middle "mdl-cell--middle"
>    :bottom "mdl-cell--bottom"})
> (defn cell [& {:keys [align offset order col stretch?
>                       desktop tablet phone
>                       children
>                       id class attr]
>                :as   args}]
>   (when align (assert (valid-align align)))
>   (into
>    [:div
>     (merge
>      {:id    id
>       :class (cond-> "mdl-cell"
>                class    (str " " class)
>                stretch? (str " mdl-cell--stretch")
>                align    (str " " (align-mdl-class align))
>                offset   (str " mdl-cell--" offset "-offset")
>                order    (str " mdl-cell--" order "-order")
>                col      (str " mdl-cell--" col "-col")
>                desktop  (cond->
>                             (:col desktop)    (str " mdl-cell--" (:col 
> desktop) "-col-desktop")
>                             (:offset desktop) (str " mdl-cell--" (:offset 
> desktop) "-offset-desktop")
>                             (:order desktop)  (str " mdl-cell--" (:order 
> desktop) "-order-desktop")
>                             (:hide? desktop)  (str " mdl-cell--hide-desktop"))
>                tablet   (cond->
>                             (:col tablet)    (str " mdl-cell--" (:col tablet) 
> "-col-tablet")
>                             (:offset tablet) (str " mdl-cell--" (:offset 
> tablet) "-offset-tablet")
>                             (:order tablet)  (str " mdl-cell--" (:order 
> tablet) "-order-tablet")
>                             (:hide? tablet)  (str " mdl-cell--hide-tablet"))
>                phone    (cond->
>                             (:col phone)    (str " mdl-cell--" (:col phone) 
> "-col-phone")
>                             (:offset phone) (str " mdl-cell--" (:offset 
> phone) "-offset-phone")
>                             (:order phone)  (str " mdl-cell--" (:order phone) 
> "-order-phone")
>                             (:hide? phone)  (str " mdl-cell--hide-phone")))}
>      attr)]
>    children))
> It works fine at runtime, but loading it in Clojure (1.8 or 1.9-alpha17) 
> takes far longer than I'd expect. Try loading the above code in a repl and 
> see for yourself. The templating lib is cljc, and both loading and running 
> it are fine (a couple ms)  in cljs. The time taken seems to increase 
> exponentially with more clauses added to the nested cond->'s near the 
> bottom in clojure.
> I've rewritten it without cond-> and it works fine, but I was wondering if 
> anyone could shed light on why this is, and why it isn't an issue in cljs.
> Cheers,
> Milt

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