Hi Cecil - welcome back!

This would be perfect to test using the new clojure.spec. I can't give
you any advice on the specifics as I have yet to break into it myself,
but the properties of this function are crying out for generative

Cecil Westerhof writes:

> I want to start using Clojure again. I made the following simple function
> to generate a PIN:
> (defn create-pin
>   ([] (create-pin 8))
>   ([n]
>    (let [chars (map char (range (int \0) (inc (int \9))))]
>         (reduce str (repeatedly n #(rand-nth chars))))))
> So far so good. But I want to improve a little.
> I think n should at least be four, but not greater as 16. What is the
> Clojure way to do this?
> The next step is that I want to use hexadecimal numbers. So I should use
> (range (int \0) (inc (int \9))) combined with (range (int \A) (inc (int
> \F))).
> How would I do that?
> Is there anything I should do differently?
> Of-course I make a general function that is then called from create-pin and
> create-pin-hex.
> -- 
> Cecil Westerhof

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