This is probably a stupid question, but is there an obvious way to get an 
error message out of Elastisch? I had an app that was working with MongoDB 
and I was then told I had to use ElasticSearch instead (something about 
only using AWS for everything) so now I'm trying to get an error message, 
because my code doesn't seem to work. I read through here without seeing 
anything obvious:

I rewrote my MongoDB function, so it should work with Elastisch: 

(defn push-item-to-persistence
  [item db]
  (let [
        denormalized-id (get-in item [:denormalized-id] :no-id)
        item (assoc item :updated-at (temporal/current-time-as-datetime))
        item (assoc item :permanent-holding-id-for-item-instances 
        item (assoc item :instance-id-for-this-one-item 
        item (assoc item :item-type :deduplication)
    (if (= denormalized-id :no-id)
      (slingshot/throw+ {
                         :item item
       (put conn index mapping-type id document)
       (esd/put db "facts-over-time" "deduplicaton" (str denormalized-id) 
       (println " done with put in push-item-to-persistence ")
       (catch Object o
         (slingshot/throw+ {
                            :type ::push-item-to-persistence
                            :error o
                            :item item
                            :db db

It doesn't seem that any documents are getting into ElasticSearch. I was 
hoping to the (throw) would reveal to me some useful debugging information, 
but that doesn't seem to happen. 

The connection appears to be valid, as I can do this:

                 (let [conn (persistence/multi-thread-start config)
                       res  (esd/search conn "facts-over-time" 
"deduplication" :query {:match_all {}})
                       n    (esrsp/total-hits res)
                       hits (esrsp/hits-from res)]
                   (clojure.pprint/pprint res))

and I get: 

{:took 1,
 :timed_out false,
 :_shards {:total 5, :successful 5, :failed 0},
 :hits {:total 0, :max_score nil, :hits []}}

So the connection is there. But no records are. 

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