On 5 January 2018 at 19:44, Rob Nikander <rob.nikan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m wondering if there is a core.async design idiom for this situation...
> - A buffered channel
> - One producer feeding it
> - A bunch of consumers pulling from it.
> - Producer should wake up and fill the channel only when it’s empty. In
> other words, the producer should work in chunks.
> My first idea is to have two channels. The second will be used by
> consumers to signal the producer that the primary channel is empty. But I'm
> wondering if there is a better way.
> The motive for this is that the producer is doing a DB query that is more
> efficient in bulk. `select ... limit 50` rather than `select ... limit 1`
> 50 times.
> Rob

What about simply having the producer put items one by one on the channel?

(ns t.core
  (:require [clojure.core.async :as async]))
(defn ap
  "atomic print"
  (print (str (pr-str m) "\n")))
(defn produce-next-batch
  (let [m (+ s 10)]
    [(range s m) m]))
(defn chunked-producer
  (let [result-chan (async/chan)]
      (loop [[batch cursor] (produce-next-batch init-state)]
        (ap {:produced batch})
        (doseq [elem batch]
          (async/>! result-chan elem))
        (recur (produce-next-batch cursor))))
(defn run-consumer
  [ch id n]
    (dotimes [_ n]
      (ap {:id id :received (async/<! ch)})
      (async/<! (async/timeout 10)))))
(defn run
  (let [c (chunked-producer 0)
        c1 (run-consumer c 1 10)
        c2 (run-consumer c 2 10)
        c3 (run-consumer c 3 10)]
    (->> [c1 c2 c3]
         (mapv async/<!!))

Here produce-next-batch has been deliberately written to evoke the idea
that you have some sort of state or cursor that lets you produce the next
batch. Real code would obviously need to account for exceptions, handle
channel closing, etc., but hopefully this illustrate the idea.


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