lazy-seq is the short answer.

You are constructing the seq inside the try/catch but it is realized 
outside of that so no exceptions will be caught.

(defn gen-ym-list [from to]
    (->> (p/periodic-seq (f/parse ym-fmt from) (t/months 1))
         (take-while #(not (t/after? % (f/parse ym-fmt to))))
         (into [])
    (catch Exception _ nil)))

This forces the seq inside the try/catch.


On Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 11:46:58 AM UTC+1, icamts wrote:
> Hi all,
> I found an unexpected behavior of (try ... (catch ...)) special form. Can 
> someone help me understand it better?
> These are project.clj and core.clj of my test project. The test project 
> zip file is provided as an attachment.
> (defproject try-try "0.0.0"
>   :description "unexpected try beahvior"
>   :url "";
>   :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
>             :url ""}
>   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
>                  [org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.5"]
>                  [clj-time "0.14.0"]
>                  [joda-time/joda-time "2.9.7"]])
> (ns try-try.core
>   (:require [clj-time.core :as t]
>             [clj-time.format :as f]
>             [clj-time.periodic :as p]))
> (def ym-fmt (f/formatter "yyyyMM"))
> (defn gen-ym-list [from to]
>   (try
>     (->> (p/periodic-seq (f/parse ym-fmt from) (t/months 1))
>          (take-while #(not (t/after? % (f/parse ym-fmt to)))))
>     (catch Exception _ nil)))
> (defn gen-ym-list* [from to]
>   (try
>    (let [ym-from (f/parse ym-fmt from)
>          ym-to (f/parse ym-fmt to)]
>      (->> (p/periodic-seq ym-from (t/months 1))
>           (take-while #(not (t/after? % ym-to)))))
>    (catch Exception _ nil)))
> (gen-ym-list "2017" "201802"); returns nil as expected
> (gen-ym-list "201712" "2018"); throws unexpected exception
> (gen-ym-list* "2017" "201802"); returns nil as expected
> (gen-ym-list* "201712" "2018"); returns nil as expected
> (use 'clojure.walk)
> (macroexpand-all
>  `(try
>     (->> (p/periodic-seq (f/parse ym-fmt from) (t/months 1))
>          (take-while #(not (t/after? % (f/parse ym-fmt to)))))
>     (catch Exception _ nil)))
> (macroexpand-all
>  `(try
>     (let [date-from (f/parse ym-fmt from)
>           date-to (f/parse ym-fmt to)]
>       (->> (p/periodic-seq date-from (t/months 1))
>            (take-while #(not (t/after? % date-to)))))
>     (catch Exception _ nil)))
> gen-ym-list doesn't catch IllegalArgumentException thrown when to 
> argument is malformed. It catches the same exception thrown when from is 
> malformed.
> gen-ym-list* with arguments parsing in an initial let form works as 
> expected.
> From macro expansion I can see the to is parsed inside a fn*. Is this a 
> known limit in try-catch special form? Or a bug? Thanks in advance for your 
> help.
> Cheers,
> Luca

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