On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 1:25 AM, mikel <mev...@mac.com> wrote:
> (type (proxy [clojure.lang.IMeta clojure.lang.IRef][]))
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: meta (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
>  [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]
> No doubt someone is going to point out that the proxy object I created
> there is useless; that's true, but beside the point. The point is that
> it's straightforward to create some value v for which (type v) is
> undefined. In order to make a Clojure-friendly version of CLOS, you
> need some concept of object type such that you can define a function
> that returns a sensible type for any value.

Not totally following you here as:

(proxy [clojure.lang.IMeta clojure.lang.IRef][])

immediately throws an error. I can't think of a situation in Clojure where
the type function does not return a usable value. Let me know if I'm wrong,
but your example is not a case as far as I can tell.

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