Nice enhancement!

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Christophe Grand <> wrote:
> I updated the tutorial to reflect a new behavior: enlive now precomputes
> html output for untouched or partly untouched elements.
> ((template ( "<div>untouched element</div><div
> class=foo>won't last</div>") []
>   [[:div last-child]] (content "new content")))
> used to return:
> ("<" "html" ">" "<" "body" ">" "<" "div" ">" "untouched element" "</"
> "div" ">" "<" "div" " " "class" "=\"" "foo" "\"" ">" "new content" "</"
> "div" ">" "</" "body" ">" "</" "html" ">")
> but now returns:
> ("<html>" "<body>" "<div>untouched element</div>" "<div class=\"foo\">"
> "new content" "</div>" "</body>" "</html>")
> Adrian Cuthbertson a écrit :
>> I've uploaded a file
>> which is a basic tutorial on getting started with Enlive (the html
>> transformation library).
>> Christophe, this is intended as a contribution to the Enlive project,
>> so you're welcome to use it as part of the Enlive documentation, on
>> the wiki, etc. Also, please feel free to enhance it and make any
>> corrections.
>> Enlive is an outstanding tool for web development. Thanks Christophe
>> for your initiatives.
>> Regards, Adrian.
>> >
> --
> Professional: (fr)
> On Clojure: (en)
> >

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