Perhaps you could try calling your java class directly from the repl...


That might highlight the problem - your java stack strace might give
some clues. It does sound like a classpath problem of some sort.

Rgds, Adrian.

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Sean Devlin <> wrote:
> That's a really good point, thanks for mentioning.  Unfortunately,
> after looking into this, it's not the culprit.  The java code's
> classpath is a _subset_ of the clojure code's classpath.  Also, the
> DsrIPassport class doesn't exist.  It was depricated years ago...
> The Clojure code appears to be initialized differently from the Java
> code.
> I'll try adding a dummy class, see if that works...
> On May 5, 11:41 am, David Chamberlin <> wrote:
>> It sounds like you maybe haven't included all the necessary stuff in
>> your classpath.
>> If you are testing in REPL, then you need to include everything you
>> need in the classpath the the invoked JVM, for example:
>> java -classpath my-jar-file-containing-DsrlPassport.jar;clojure.jar
>> clojure.main
>> On 5 May, 15:54, Sean Devlin <> wrote:
>> > Okay, I've got code that works in Java but I can't get working in
>> > Clojure.  Here's the code in Java
>> > public class TutorialConnect1 extends Object {
>> >   JCO.Client mConnection;
>> >   public TutorialConnect1() {
>> >     try {
>> >       // Change the logon information to your own system/user
>> >       mConnection = JCO.createClient(...); //Connection parameters
>> >       mConnection.connect();
>> >       System.out.println(mConnection.getAttributes());
>> >       mConnection.disconnect();
>> >     }
>> >     catch (Exception ex) {
>> >       ex.printStackTrace();
>> >       System.exit(1);
>> >     }
>> >   }
>> >   public static void main (String args[]) {
>> >     TutorialConnect1 app = new TutorialConnect1();
>> >   }
>> > }
>> > It simply prints some connection attributes about my system.  Here's
>> > the same code in Clojure
>> > (let [sap-con ( ... )] ;connection
>> > attributes
>> >                            (do
>> >                              (. sap-con connect)
>> >                              (println (. sap-con getAttributes))
>> >                              (. sap-con disconnect)))
>> > I can successfully create the connection object in Clojure, but I get
>> > an error in the following s-exp
>> > (. sap-con connect)
>> > The error I get is :
>> > #<CompilerException java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/jdsr/
>> > writer/DsrIPassport (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)>
>> > The SAP library I'm using does rely on some native methods.  The only
>> > guess I have right now is that the native methods are being linked to
>> > properly.
>> > Can anyone give me a hand?
>> > Sean
> >

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