This Monday, I got a call from a friend who's working at a large US
company selling chips and scanners for id cards.
They are biding on a large contract for a foreign country and need to
provide printed samples in their
answer to this RFP. The deadline is next week.

The sample ids had to be printed in Europe and for some reason nobody
realized that the shop printing the ids
needed the data of the samples to be submitted using a custom XML input
format, oups !
The raw material was already in Europe this Monday.

My friend was desperate because of the delays and he was not able to
find someone within his company
to turn around on a dime to fix this. The shop printing the ids was
officially closed this Thursday and Friday.

I got the XML input specs from Europe at 3:30 am Tuesday and an Excel
spreadsheet with the data for the samples
a couple of hours later. We went back an forth with specifications from
US and Europe.
It was not just mapping the spreadsheet fields to an XML layout, some
XML fields had to be generated and encoded
to support OCR scanners.

Took 2 days to get a decent output from the printing process with
changes to the sample data, the field mapping, ....

I wrote 119 Clojure code lines, I could probably rip of 20% to get more
compact but debugging was a primary concern
so I had lots of lets with local bindings to slice the marshaling and
trace intermediate results.

The real challenge was to work with people in a -6hrs time zone :)))

I made sure that every party involved got the code I wrote and got
acquainted with Clojure.
The interactive nature of Clojure and the compactness of the code made
all the difference in
the turn around between spec updates and spiting out an updated XML

Clojure saved the day for this company :))))

Now I can get back to more serious stuff on our product. 

Luc Préfontaine

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