If you are following the github head of the Clojure and contrib  
projects, you will see that several libraries have moved from contrib  
into Clojure:

* clojure.contrib.test-is becomes clojure.test
* clojure.contrib.stacktrace becomes clojure.stacktrace
* clojure.contrib.template becomes clojure.template
* clojure.contrib.walk becomes clojure.walk

Thanks to Stuart Sierra for writing all these libraries. If you are  
using one of them (and working with head), you will need to rename it  
in your use/require/ns forms. Also, the signature and implementation  
of test/are has changed, and is now more idiomatic. For example:

(deftest test-count
   (are [x y] (= x y)   ; instead of (are (= _1 _2))
       (count nil) 0
       (count ()) 0
       (count '(1)) 1
       (count '(1 2 3)) 3
; etc.

The purpose of this change (other than the general usefulness of the  
libraries!) is to let Clojure host its own test suite. You can now run  
Clojure's tests with "ant test".

Go ye now, sign the CA, and write some great tests for Clojure. You  
know you want to.


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