1. Ok, I'll consider that.

2. Yes, I'll post a link when I have uploaded the code somewhere.

3. It has not yet arrived

4. No. I have two sources of inspiration. Pattern matching in PLT
Scheme and this link:
(which is almost SICP as it is written by Sussman)

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Sean Devlin<francoisdev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 4.  Is this example from SICP?
> On Jul 8, 12:12 pm, Sean Devlin <francoisdev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:
>> 1.  Use arrays instead of lists
>> In clojure, it is "best practice" to use arrays for data.  So, your
>> macro call should look like this.
>> (match [1 2 3]
>>        [1 x]   (+ x x)
>>        [1 x y] (+ x y))
>> 2.  Could you post the source to match maker?  That would help my play
>> around in a REPL
>> 3.  As for books go, get yourself a copy of "Programming Clojure" by
>> Stuart Holloway
>> Sean
>> On Jul 8, 11:42 am, Jonas <jonas.enl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi.
>> > I'm developing a simple pattern matching library for clojure but I am
>> > having
>> > trouble with macros (which I have almost zero experience with).
>> > I have a function `make-matcher`
>> > (make-matcher <pattern>)
>> > which returns a function that can pattern match on data and returns a
>> > map of bindings (or nil in case of a non-match).
>> > ((make-matcher '(list x y z w)) (list 1 2 3 4))
>> > ; => {x 1 y 2 z 3 w 4}
>> > ((make-matcher '(list x y z x)) (list 1 2 3 4))
>> > ; => nil
>> > ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 2 3 4))
>> > ; => nil
>> > ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 3 2 9))
>> > ; => {x 3}
>> > I have been trying to write the following 'match' macro:
>> > (match <data>
>> >   <pattern-1> <body-1>
>> >   <pattern-2> <body-2>)
>> > The macro should work like this:
>> > (match (list 1 2 3)
>> >        (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
>> >        (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
>> > ; => 5
>> > I have the following macros (none of which works correctly):
>> > ; (letmap {a 1 b 2} (+ a b))
>> > ; =(should) expand to=>
>> > ; (let [a 1 b 2] (+ a b))
>> > (defmacro letmap [dict & body]
>> >   `(let ~(into [] (reduce concat (eval dict)))
>> >      (do ~...@body)))
>> > ; (match (list 1 2 3)
>> > ;       (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
>> > ;       (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
>> > ; =should expand to something like=>
>> > ; (let [dict (<matcher..> (list 1 2 3))]
>> > ;   (if dict
>> > ;      (letmap dict (+ 1 x))
>> > ;      (match (list 1 2 3) (list 1 x y) (+ x y))))
>> > (defmacro match [data & clauses]
>> >   (when clauses
>> >     (let [pattern    (first clauses)
>> >           body       (second clauses)
>> >           matcher (make-matcher pattern)]
>> >       `(let [dict# (~matcher ~data)]
>> >          (if dict#
>> >            (letmap dict# ~body)
>> >            (match ~data (next (next ~clauses))))))))
>> > Any help is appreciated. Also pointers to documents and books where I
>> > can
>> > learn more about macros.
>> > Thanks.
> >

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