OK, I've got a new Clojure program for the n-body benchmark, and it is
significantly faster than my previous one -- down from 138 x Java run
time, to 37 x Java run time.  Still room for improvement somewhere
there, I'm sure, including perhaps using Java arrays instead of
Clojure vectors.


The main changes from the slower version are:

+ make separate vectors for each "attribute" of a body in motion, i.e.
a separate vector of positions, a vector of velocities, etc., instead
of using maps.
+ Use loop/recur almost everywhere it makes sense.  I still have a few
map calls in the function 'energy' and the functions it calls, and
maybe in the init code, but that is only done twice and once during
the whole execution, versus advance which is called 50,000,000 times
in the long version of the benchmark.
+ It uses the new transient/assoc!/conj!/persistent! functions for
Clojure vectors, so you need a pretty new copy of Clojure if you want
to run it yourself.

Updates summary of results is here:


And, as usual, improvements to the performance of these Clojure
programs are welcome.

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