wangzx wrote:
> (defn hello
>  "Writes hello message to *out*. Calls you by username.
>  Knows if you have been here before."
>       [username]
>       (dosync
>               (let [past-visitor (@visitors username)]
>                       (if past-visitor
>                               (str "Welcome back, " username)
>                               (do
>                                       (alter visitors conj username)
>                                       (str "Hello, " username) ) ) ) ) )
> The code is copied from book "Programming Clojure", I think the ) is
> too much for reading. So, can we using the following style:
> defn hello [username]
>       dosync
>               let [past-visitor (@visitors username)]
>                       if past-visitor
>                               str "welcome back, " username
>                               do
>                                       alter visitors conj username
>                                       str "Hello, " username
> The line indent contains the parenthesis and it looks it is much
> friendly for ready.
> I think clojure may mix both the parenthese and python-like indent
> together.

It's easy to say, but try imagining how macros will be written when
there are no parentheses.

I think the parentheses help a lot in lending homoiconicity to Clojure
and other Lisps.

Moreover, when you use a decent Lisp-aware editor parentheses usually
vanish in thin air. All you care about then is the indentation.


Baishampayan Ghose <>

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