
> I am very new to clojure and have worked previously on C/C++
> I wanted to do some string operations, where I can match occurrence of
> a particular string. However, I get this error everytime.
> java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Var cannot be cast to
> java.lang.CharSequence (myseq.clj:0)
> Here is the code, which is quite lame but is just made for learning
> purpose.
> (def myseq "the quick brown fox")
> (loop [word myseq]
> (if (= (first (re-seq #"\w+" word)) "fox") (println "Yeah!!")
> (recur (def myseq (apply str (interpose " " (rest (re-seq #"\w+"
> myseq))))))))

Your syntax for loop/recur is completely wrong :)

I think you wanted to do something like this -

(def myseq "the quick brown fox")

(loop [s myseq]
        (if (= (first (re-seq #"\w+" s)) "fox")
          (println "Yeah!")
          (recur (apply str (interpose " " (rest (re-seq #"\w+" s)))))))

In short, you don't def the value of myseq again when you recur.
Remember that Clojure is a (mostly) functional language where mutation
is discouraged. Whenever you see yourself mutating things, you should
double check the code.

def is for top-level variable declarations only. You can use let for
lexical bindings, that too when required.

Have fun :)


Baishampayan Ghose <>

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