> Anyone know any command line options for HotSpot that make it work harder to
> compact things down into the smallest space possible, no matter what?  I am
> aware of several pages of documentation on HotSpot's GC options, and I've
> been reading some of them, but it is a lot to wade through.

There is an -XX:+UseCompressedOops which may be relevant.

In any case, is the actual live heap size larger (as in, the heap size
after a full GC, presuming you're running with the default throughput
collector), or are you comparing the growth of the heap size?

In particular, heap size is a function of, among others, the amount of
time spent GC:ing. The discrepancy may potentially be due to Hotspot
increasing the heap size for efficiency policy reasons rather than
necessarily that the live set is in fact bigger with Hotspot. You
might start by running with -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails and look
at the heap size after a full collection.

/ Peter Schuller

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