OK, so I happened to stumble across a fix to my program, but I still wonder whether this is intentional behavior in 1.3 alpha1 or not.

If I change the name 'nbody' in these lines:

       (let [^Body nbody other
             dx (- x (.x nbody))   ; first reflection warning here
             dy (- y (.y nbody))   ; second here
             dz (- z (.z nbody))   ; third here

to some name that is not the name of the namespace, like 'nbo', then the reflection warnings go away:

       (let [^Body nbo other
             dx (- x (.x nbo))   ; first reflection warning here
             dy (- y (.y nbo))   ; second here
             dz (- z (.z nbo))   ; third here

If I then change the ns declaration at the top to "ns nbo", the reflection warnings come back again.

Easy to avoid the problem, once you know.


On Sep 27, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

The following program compiles and runs perfectly fine in both 1.2 and 1.3 alpha1. It has no reflection warnings in 1.2, but it does in 1.3 alpha1. I have tried several variations, but I haven't yet been able to figure out how to write type declarations that avoid reflection in 1.3 alpha1. Does anyone know whether this is a bug?

Or perhaps code like this ought to be structured completely differently in order to avoid reflection, and it was just a fluke that it worked in 1.2?


(ns nbody

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(definterface IBody
 (^double x [])
 (^double y [])
 (^double z [])
 (^double dist [other]))

(deftype Body [^{:unsynchronized-mutable true :tag double} x
              ^{:unsynchronized-mutable true :tag double} y
              ^{:unsynchronized-mutable true :tag double} z ]
 (x [this] x)
 (y [this] y)
 (z [this] z)
 (dist [this other]
       (let [^Body nbody other
             dx (- x (.x nbody))   ; first reflection warning here
             dy (- y (.y nbody))   ; second here
             dz (- z (.z nbody))   ; third here
             dsq (+ (* dx dx)
                    (+ (* dy dy)
                       (* dz dz)))]
         (Math/sqrt dsq))))

(defn -main [& args]
 (let [b (Body. 0 0 0)]
   (println "pos:" (.x b) (.y b) (.z b))))

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