On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Rob Lachlan <robertlach...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There seems to be a discrepancy between what keyword names are
> supposed to be allowed, according to the reader documentation, and
> which the reader actually allows.  For instance, periods are supposed
> to be disallowed in keyword names, and only one forward slash allowed,
> but no errors are thrown at something like this:

I think the official stance is that there's a big difference between
what is officially supported and what you happen to be able to do in
the current version without things blowing up.

> Using the keyword function, we seem to be able to make keywords out of
> any pair arbitrary strings, even including spaces.

I submitted a patch for this over a year ago, but I gather there were
some concerns about the runtime cost of such behaviour. It's one of
the most long-standing tickets still open:



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