Could do it this way.  Use index-filter (borrowed from Programming
Clojure) to get the indices where the predicate is true in the
sequence.  partition-when-true then just calls subvec with pairs of
indices to get the subsequences.

coll-end is the index just past the end of the collection.  This is
used as a pad element so that the last true index is included in the
pairs, and also accounts for the case where there is only a single
true index.

(use '[clojure.contrib.seq :only (indexed)])

(defn index-filter [pred coll]
  (when pred
    (for [[idx elt] (indexed coll) :when (pred elt)] idx)))

(defn partition-when [pred coll]
  (let [coll-end (count coll)
        indices (index-filter pred coll)
        index-pairs (partition 2 1 [coll-end] indices)
        coll-vec (vec coll)]
    (for [[start end] index-pairs] (subvec coll-vec start end))))

user=> (partition-when true? '(true false false true false true true))
([true false false] [true false] [true] [true])

On Nov 27, 10:02 am, Asim Jalis <> wrote:
> I want to partition a sequence based on the values of a predicate so
> that every true starts a new sequence in the partition. Here is an
> example of how partition-with could be used:
> (partition-when true? '(true false false true false true true))
>   -> '((true false false) (true false) (true) (true))
> I have written this lazy-seq and recursion. However, I was wondering
> if there is a way to do this with core Clojure sequence primitives.
> Any suggestions?
> Asim
> --
> San Francisco, CA

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