Hi all, 

I have been trying to install the Vim pluing VimClojure togheter with the 
lein plugin lein-vimclojure but always get an error message telling me ng 
(the Nailgun client) cannot be found.

This is how my installation went so far:

1) Downloaded <https://github.com/vim-scripts/VimClojure> Vimclojure from 
Github and copied it into /.vim/bundle (I am using the Pathogen plugin)

Opened a Clojure file in Vim to verify that features that don’t require the 
Nailgun server, such as syntax highlighting, work as expected.

2) Downloaded <https://github.com/autre/lein-vimclojure> lein-vimclojure 
from Github and added the following dev dependency to Leiningen’s 

:dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure "1.2.1"]
          *[org.clojars.autre/lein-vimclojure "1.0.0"]*]) 

3) Added the following line to .vimrc:

let vimclojure#WantNailgun = 1

4) Started the nailgun server:

$ *lein vimclojure &*
[1] 10509
$ NGServer started on, port 2113.

4) Opened a Clojure file from the above Leiningen project in Vim  but 
 received the following error message:

*Error message:
Could not determine the Namespace of the file.
This might have different reasons. Please check, that the ng server
is running with the correct classpath and that the file does not contain
syntax errors. The interactive features will not be enabled, ie. the
keybindings will not be mapped.
Error executing Nail! (127)
/bin/bash: ng: command not found*

Apparently, the Nailgun client could not be found.
Does lein-vimclojure also install the Nailgun client or does this plugin 
only set the correct classpath to the Leiningen project?

I already 
 Nailgun client from kotka.de but have to admit 
that I am not sure how to do a manual install and what to put into .vimrc 
when using VimClojure + lein-vimclojure.
Therefore I hope that someone with a successfull install using 
lein-vimclojure could give me some hints. Any suggestions are highly 

Best regards,


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