That is, had flattening actually been your goal.  It seem like you didn't
really want to throw out that structure, just transform it, so flattening is
irrelevant I guess other than the subject line. :)

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:34 PM, rob levy <> wrote:

> One way to approve the problem is to write a function to convert the nested
> maps into nested seqs. Once it is in that form you can use flatten on it and
> partition the flat list as you like:
> (defn flatten-maptree [m]
>   (letfn [(maptree->seqtree
>            [m]
>            (lazy-seq
>             (cond
>              (map? m) (map #(cons
>                              (key %)
>                              (maptree->seqtree (val %)))
>                            m)
>              :else [m])))]
>     (flatten (maptree->seqtree m))))
> user=> (partition 4 (flatten-maptree {1 {2 {3 4 5 6} 7 {8 9}}}))
> ((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8))
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:25 PM, James Reeves <>wrote:
>> On 21 February 2011 07:17, Damien <> wrote:
>> > Not sure if I should talk about flattening but basically I'm trying to
>> > achieve the following transformation:
>> >
>> > user=>(flatten-tree {1 {2 {3 4 5 6} 7 {8 9}}})
>> > ((1 2 3 4) (1 2 5 6) (1 7 8 9))
>> >
>> > Any suggestion?
>> (defn flatten-tree [t]
>>  (if (map? t)
>>    (for [[k v] t, w (flatten-tree v)]
>>      (cons k w))
>>    (list (list t))))
>> In this case, I think using protocols would be over-engineering. We
>> can always add protocols in later if we happen to need them. That's
>> one of the benefits of protocols as compared to Java's interfaces.
>> - James
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