I find this behaviour a little surprising:


(ns foo.core
 (:require [foo.bar :as test]))

(def ark (test/a-var test/another-var))


(ns foo.bar)
(def a-var {:animal "dog"})

(def another-var {animal: "cat"})

in the repl I get:

foo.core> (map class ark)
(clojure.lang.Symbol clojure.lang.Symbol)

and (consequently)

foo.core> (:animal (first ark))

foo.core> (class test/a-var)

and I can use :animal to get "dog".

I guess it's java classpermissions biting, but I'd love to know why it
happens. To me it's like clojure doesn't look up a symbol that resides in
another namespace, but that explanation is quite weak.


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